Leadership Academy

The Great Wardens Project Leadership Academy is a new opportunity for corrections officials to get personalized coaching, sharpen leadership skills, and engage with their peers and experts in the field about key issues shaping the future of corrections. The Academy is free and open to small teams of prison and jail officials who are committed to growing as leaders and creating a corrections culture that is based on safety and dignity.

Teams selected for the Academy will receive tailored online and in-person coaching and mentorship from nationally recognized experts on corrections leadership. In addition, the Academy will offer a series of group learning opportunities to facilitate leadership development and peer-to-peer skill sharing. Academy participants will also contribute to a culture change guide, a first of its kind resource for corrections professionals.

The Leadership Academy is an initiative of the Great Wardens Project. Supported by Arnold Ventures, the Great Wardens Project provides wardens and superintendents with resources, mentorship, and a space to engage with one another on the issues shaping the field. The Leadership Academy, as well as all of the Project’s resources and programming, are free to participants.

Program Details

The Leadership Academy is for teams consisting of a Warden or Administrator and two other senior facility leaders of their choosing. Sessions are free and will be held via a combination of virtual and in-person meetings. 

The Academy includes 15 online group learning sessions, held twice a month. These sessions, which start in September 2023, will be discussion-based and include guest speakers from the Great Wardens Project Task Force and other leaders in the corrections field. Participants can expect to spend 4 hours a month in online sessions and reviewing supplemental materials.

Following the online sessions, participants will be matched with Great Wardens Project Task Force members for continued learning and mentorship beginning in February 2024 through December 2025. During these monthly virtual coaching sessions, mentors will support participants in implementing their leadership vision and strategic plans developed during the Leadership Academy. Each participating facility team will also host one in-person site visit with their designated mentor and have the opportunity to visit and host peers in the field through a corrections leadership exchange program.

By the end of the Academy, participants will:

  • Develop a leadership vision and strategic plan to help build an institutional culture of safety, dignity, and respect for staff and incarcerated people;
  • Learn tools and skills to inspire, motivate, and retain staff, and generate buy-in for their leadership vision;
  • Receive tailored coaching and support from members of the Great Wardens Project Task Force; and
  • Contribute to a national corrections culture change guide that will shape the field for years to come.

How to Apply

Applications are now closed. 

Program Timeline

Application period opens: May 1, 2023

Application deadline: June 15, 2023

Acceptance announcements: by July 15, 2023

Online sessions: September 2023 – May 2024

Monthly coaching: February 2024 – December 2025

Site visits and peer exchange: June 2024 – October 2025


Is this program the right fit for me and my facility?

The Leadership Academy is appropriate for leadership teams of three from any corrections facility, regardless of type or size.

Who should apply?

The application should be initiated by the facility warden or superintendent with the participation of two senior facility leaders of their choosing. The two additional leadership team members should hold a senior leadership role and work closely with the warden or superintendent.

Why are only leadership teams allowed to apply?

The Great Wardens Project recognizes the importance of strong teamwork among facility leaders to create lasting change. Participation from leadership teams encourages knowledge sharing and professional development and is essential to effective strategic planning.   

How do we apply?

Applications will be available on the Great Wardens Project website beginning on May 1, 2023. Applicants will then schedule a brief conversation with members of the Great Wardens Project team to complete the application process. This conversation will also give applicants the opportunity to ask any questions and review the Leadership Academy requirements.

What if all members of our team can’t attend all sessions?

Full leadership team attendance at all sessions is strongly encouraged. In the event that one of more leadership team members is unable to attend, the Great Wardens Project team will work with the team to develop an alternative plan.

How will information we share during the program be used?

The Great Wardens Project will publish a culture change guide to share with other corrections leaders nationwide. The Great Wardens Project will NOT publish or otherwise share any identifying information or identifiable content without explicit approval from participants.

We will need to get approval from my commissioner/director. How can I do that?

The Great Wardens project can provide a letter template for commissioner/director approval. The project can also offer a recommendation letter to share with your leadership, if needed.

Is there a fee for the Leadership Academy?

Like all aspects of the Great Wardens Project, the Leadership Academy is free for all participants!

Who can we contact for more information?

You can contact the Great Wardens Project team at info@greatwardens.org.

You can also contact Jessica Serrano Seipel, the director of the Great Wardens Project, directly at jseipel@justdetention.org.